
Episode 0: The Trailer!

Episode Summary

Iris Penner, spirit guardian and current Lord of the Wild Hunt, braves a speed dating event and is asked things that trigger bad memories of difficult past missions.

Episode Notes

Meet Iris Penner! She's a newly single, recently resurrected spirit guardian who's ready to mingle again. Why should a devil, a swirl of ghosts, or a cursed book written by dead authors -- let alone the threat of the returning Apocalypse -- get in the way? 

(AUTHORS' NOTE): This is a work of fiction. Iris is most definitely not ready to mingle, let alone take on the dating scene.


Written by husband-and-wife authors Steve and Robin Pool. 

Voiced by Emily Woo Zeller (Cyberpunk 2077's Panam Palmer, Star Wars' Doctor Aphra). 

Sound Design and Editing by DSS (Dissecting Sound & Soul). Sound effects provided by ZapSplat. 

Learn more about Sayonaraville on our website, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram

Copyright (c) 2022 by Uncle Robot Media, LLC.

Episode Transcription



Steve Pool


SFX: Crowded restaurant, modern upbeat music



Hi, I'm Iris Penner. Nice to meet you. So, I have to confess, this is my first speed dating event and I'm pretty nervous. I hope you'll go easy on me.

What do I do for fun? Oh, ah, lessee...well, I paint, I volunteer at an underprivileged school. I do yoga, a little martial arts..."


SFX: Explosion, followed by adventure music



What was left of the restaurant’s side wall exploded as  Kravitz sailed across the street and smashed into a parked car. The car door caved from the impact. Kravitz, on his hands and knees, began to curse furiously in the language of the Hells. Rigan, leaping out of the building’s new, gaping hole, landed in the street.


SFX: Back in the crowded restaurant



"Do I believe in ghosts? Have I seen one? (Nervous laugh) What a funny question."


SFX: Swirling wind, eerie music



The wind buffeting in Rigan’s ear began to threaten.



“Leaave heere...! not...belong...war goddess. Thiiss is our realmmm...”


SFX: Back in the crowded restaurant



“What book am I reading at the moment? Oh, um...”

(No background noise)

“What the [bleep] is going on, Ty!?  Why is there a passage dated from the exact moment of my birth in this creepy-as-[bleep] book, written by my dead grandpa, whom I never met, that says I’ll be going to the [bleep] ruins of Brooklyn, which hadn’t been destroyed at that point, on a rescue mission for a missing Knight of Avalon? Who wouldn’t have even been born then!


SFX: Back in the crowded restaurant



"Oh, man, will you look at that? That's time. And I was really looking forward to telling you about my biggest fear, too..."


(No background noise)



Sayonaraville, the podcast about the end of the world that wasn't, but could still happen. Follow us on or on Twitter @sayonaraville. Coming soon to all the major podcasting platforms.